Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Recipe Shout Out - Broccoli and Cheese Soup

OK, now this recipe goes back in time to my days of potluck meals at my childhood congregation. This is Mrs. Cole's broccoli and cheese soup. I write that with a heart full of love for the entire Cole family! Growing up I always looked up to their girls Christie and Cindy. Mr. and Mrs. Cole were my Bible class teachers, and Mr. Cole was also my psychology teacher in high school. They are those people that LOVE the Lord and LOVE people! I will forever be grateful for the footprints they left on mine and my families' hearts! Every time I make this recipe I can't help but think of the Cole's and I'm reminded of the impact we as Christians can have on this world! Enjoy and remember to ask yourself what kind of impact are you having on the world around you...
Step 1 - Combine the following ingredients in a large pot:
3 cans chicken noodle soup
1 can cream of chicken soup
1 can chicken broth
1 cup of milk
1 cup of water
1 lb. of Velveeta
Heat the above ingredients until the cheese is melted.
Step 2 - add approx. 5 oz. egg noodles and 10 oz. chopped broccoli.
Heat Until the noodles are soft.
TIP: Cook on fairly low heat because it will stick and scorch on the bottom easily!


  1. Can't wait to try this recipe! Sounds delicious and simple! Thanks for sharing, Amber!

  2. Made the soup last night and it was a big hit!! Delicious and so easy!

  3. Yay Lydia!!! So excited you loved it and that you read me blog :) Thanks for letting me know! Feedback is great!


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